Even though exercising is great, there are days when we just can't be bothered to sweat.
Here are 5 hacks you can do to lose weight without exercising:
The number one tip that never fails is to drink LOTS of water: this helps decrease your hunger, increase Energy, relieve fatigue, and boost your metabolism
Use smaller plates: this tricks your mind. When you fill a big plate with food, any spare space might make you feel like you haven't eaten enough and will make you want to go for a second serving. By using a smaller plate, your mind will see a full plate which will prevent you from eating more or feeling dissatisfied.
Avoid soft drinks: soft drinks are extremely high in sugar, calories and artificial flavoring. If you feel thirsty or are eating out, consider drinking or ordering water!
Soft drinks
Don't eat distracted: when eating, don't watch TV, don't play videos games, etc. If you are distracted while eating, you will lose track of what you are eating and possibly overeat.
TV and Video Games
Don't put the heating high when it's cold: this is a weird tip, but it works! When you are cold, your body accesses the extra fat stored in your body to keep you warm, therefore you can lose some calories.
Cold Weather