It's good to want to go full out on a 1-month workout program like this one, but if you want to maintain your results afterwards, you need to adopt some habits and incorporate them into your everyday life.
Here are 5 healthy habits:
Continue exercising daily. If you don't have time, find a 10 minutes slot in your day to do a high intensity workout. Even 10 minutes of workout can make you feel better and wake up your body.
Eat healthy foods. If eating too healthy is not your cup of tea, you can try to incorporate one or two of the foods we suggested into your diet.
Healthy Foods
Drink a glass of water before every meal. This helps digestion, cleanses the body, and also makes you feel fuller so you don't eat too much.
Take public transport or walk instead of taking the car. This will help keep you and your body active. It will also help you develop your cardio and give you good legs.
Get enough sleep. An irregular sleep schedule can be damaging for the body in the long term. The average is 8 hours, so try to get approximately that amount of sleep everyday.